

« 2012下半年弗格森将掀起今年第二波“全球制冷设备特惠风暴”弗格森大型混凝土降温系统-集装箱成套制冰系统 »


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弗格森混凝土搅拌工程 Concrete Mixing Project

  • 世界各地大型水坝的建造和高层建筑基础的浇注需要采用温控混凝土。大体积浇注的混凝土在养护期间,混凝土温度下降,体积减小,这一过程通常会造成水坝出现裂缝。因此混凝土的初始浇注温度应该很低,以保证养护期间混凝土的最高温度不能超过设计单位的限定温度。

All over the world, temperature-controlled concrete is used to build large-sized dykes and grout large-scale bases of high-rise buildings. In the course of maintenance, large volume of concrete grouted cools down and reduces dwindles in size, usually leading to cracks in water dykes. In the course of maintenance, causing its volume to expand. However, after maintenance, the temperature of concrete falls down and its volume reduces. The above course often brings about cracks in dykes. Therefore, the initial grouting temperature of concrete should be low enough to ensure that the highest temperature of concrete during maintenance does not exceed that determined by design units.



海洋渔业/水产加工 Marine Fisheries and Aquatic Products Processing


Focusun flake ice machine plays an important role in the fresh-frozen seafood, transportation; processing. It can not only provide ice-appropriate environmental temperature, but also humid environment so as to keep seafood fresh and moist.








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